Common (C++)#
class Session#
Public Functions
inline explicit Session(net::io_context &ioc, ssl::context &ctx)#
void set_api_key(const std::string &api_key)#
Set your own api key here.
void set_url(const char *&host, const char *&port, const char *&subdomain)#
Set a specific API URL here.
void connect()#
Connect the session to the host. You can connect once and use the shared session for different request.
void shutdown()#
Shutdown the session.
const std::string request(const std::string &mode, const std::string &body_str, const std::string &url_params, double max_retries = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), const std::vector<int> &status_force_list = {408, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504}, double base_backoff = 1, double backoff_factor = 2, double max_backoff = 0, double jitter_factor = 0.5)#
Use the mode(“location_info”, “initialize”, “drive”) to construct a request, sent the request to host, and return the body string of the response.
inline explicit Session(net::io_context &ioc, ssl::context &ctx)#
struct AgentState#
The current or predicted state of a given agent at a given point.
struct AgentAttributes#
Static attributes of the agent, which don’t change over the course of a simulation. We assume every agent is a rectangle obeying a kinematic bicycle model.
Public Functions
inline void printFields() const#
inline json toJson() const#
inline AgentAttributes(const json &element)#
Public Members
std::optional<double> length#
Longitudinal, lateral extent of the agent in meters.
std::optional<double> width#
std::optional<double> rear_axis_offset#
Distance from the agent’s center to its rear axis in meters. Determines motion constraints.
std::optional<std::string> agent_type#
Agent types are used to indicate how that agent might behave in a scenario. Currently “car” and “pedestrian” are supported.
inline void printFields() const#
struct TrafficLightState#
Dynamic state of a traffic light.
struct InfractionIndicator#
Infractions committed by a given agent, as returned from invertedai::drive().
Public Members
bool collisions#
True if the agent’s bounding box overlaps with another agent’s bounding box.
bool offroad#
True if the agent is outside the designated driveable area specified by the map.
bool wrong_way#
True if the cross product of the agent’s and its lanelet’s directions is negative.
bool collisions#
struct StaticMapActor#
Specifies a traffic light placement. We represent traffic lights as rectangular bounding boxes of the associated stop lines, with orientation matching the direction of traffic going through it.
Public Members
int actor_id#
ID as used in invertedai::initialize() and invertedai::drive().
std::string agent_type#
Not currently used, there may be more traffic signals in the future.
double x#
The position of the stop line.
double y#
double orientation#
Natural direction of traffic going through the stop line, in radians like in AgentState.
std::optional<double> length#
Size of the stop line, in meters, along its orientation.
std::optional<double> width#
std::vector<int> dependant#
int actor_id#
struct Point2d#
2D coordinates of a point in a given location. Each location comes with a canonical coordinate system, where the distance units are meters.